The Hidden Dangers of Neglecting Your Air Filter: A Wake-Up Call for Homeowners

Why Your Air Filter Matters More Than You Think

We’ve all been there – life gets busy, and suddenly months have passed since you last thought about your air conditioning system. But did you know that neglecting one simple component could be costing you money and compromising your indoor air quality? That’s right, we’re talking about your air filter.

At Long’s Air Conditioning, Inc., we’ve seen firsthand the consequences of overlooked air filters in homes across Avon Park, Sebring, Frostproof, Wauchula, and Babson Park, FL. Here’s why you should pay attention to this often-forgotten part of your AC system:

The Perils of a Dirty Air Filter

1. Reduced energy efficiency: A clogged filter makes your AC work harder, increasing energy consumption and utility bills.
2. Poor air quality: Dirty filters can’t effectively trap allergens and pollutants, leading to potential health issues.
3. System damage: Neglected filters can cause your AC unit to malfunction or break down prematurely.

How Often Should You Change Your Filter?

The frequency depends on various factors, including:

– Type of filter
– Household size
– Presence of pets
– Local air quality

As a general rule, check your filter monthly and replace it at least every 90 days. However, some homes may require more frequent changes.

The Long’s Air Conditioning Difference

Our expert technicians can help you determine the best filter replacement schedule for your specific needs. We offer comprehensive AC services, including filter checks during routine maintenance visits.

Don’t let a dirty air filter compromise your comfort and health. Contact Long’s Air Conditioning, Inc. today for professional AC service and enjoy cleaner, more efficient air conditioning in your Florida home.

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