Debunking the Myth: Closing Vents Saves Energy

As a leading HVAC contractor in Clackamas, OR, Milwaukie Heating & Cooling often encounters misconceptions about home heating and cooling. Today, we’re tackling a common myth that many homeowners believe: closing vents in unused rooms saves energy.

The Myth

Many people think that by closing vents in rooms they’re not using, they can redirect airflow to other areas of the house and save on energy costs. This seems logical at first glance, but it’s actually not true.

The Reality

Closing vents can actually lead to several problems:

  • Increased pressure in the ductwork
  • Reduced efficiency of your HVAC system
  • Potential damage to your system over time
  • Uneven heating and cooling throughout your home

Modern HVAC systems are designed to work with a specific amount of airflow. When you close vents, you’re disrupting this balance, forcing your system to work harder and potentially causing damage.

The Solution

Instead of closing vents, consider these energy-saving alternatives:

1. Regular maintenance: Schedule annual check-ups with a professional AC contractor in West Linn, OR.
2. Proper insulation: Ensure your home is well-insulated to maintain temperature.
3. Smart thermostats: Install a programmable thermostat to optimize your home’s temperature throughout the day.
4. HVAC upgrades: If your system is old, consider HVAC installation in Happy Valley, OR, for a more efficient model.

At Milwaukie Heating & Cooling, we’re committed to helping you maintain a comfortable and energy-efficient home. Don’t fall for myths that could cost you more in the long run. Trust the experts for all your heating and cooling needs.

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